Hadoop Services for Everyone

This post shows how we combine the Hadoop Docker Image (CDH5) with our Hadoop workflow system Cloudgene. Due to Cloudgene's interface, new applications can be registered to Cloudgene and provided as a service to everyone. Read more

Setting up a HTTPS Restlet Webserver

For all of our services (such as Haplogrep), we are using Restlet on server side. This blog entry summarizes the necessary steps to set up a working HTTPS Restlet Server with a valid certificate and a trusted connection. Check out the Github Repo for the source code!

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Cloudgene, a Hadoop-As-A-Service approach

This post introduces the graphical Hadoop platform Cloudgene and shows how simple a Hadoop command line program (or a workflow of several programs) can be provided as a web service to everyone. Two services in Genetics based on Cloudgene are already available and showing promising success. Read more

Creating a Docker Image for Hadoop MapReduce (CDH5)

There are many ways how Docker can be used. In this blog post I’ll summarize the steps I did to create a running Hadoop Docker image for the Cloudera Version (CDH5) of Hadoop MapReduce MRv1 (the “old” MapReduce) and MRv2 (the “new” MapReduce aka YARN). Before we start, please check if Docker is installed on your local OS.

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